Chemical Peels Treatment Manchester UK

What is a Chemical Peel Treatment?

What is a Chemical Peel Treatment?

Obagi Radiance Peel is a procedure aimed at rejuvenating the skin by applying the chemical peel to exfoliate the outer layers. The acids used in cheemical peel include lactic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid. This process reveals smoother, more youthful skin with improved tone and texture.

Chemical Peels

Treatment Summary


The procedure typically takes 30 to 45 minutes.


Mild discomfort may be experienced during the treatment, often described as a warm, tingling sensation.


Noticeable improvement in skin texture and complexion is seen after a few days, with continued enhancement over time.


Results can last from a few months to a year, depending on the type of peel used and individual factors.


From £80

How Chemical Peels Treatment Work?

How Chemical Peels Treatment Work?

Chemical Peels work by applying a carefully selected chemical solution to the skin. This solution exfoliates the outer layer, removing dead skin cells and stimulating collagen production. This leads to a smoother, more youthful complexion.

How is the Treatment Administered?

Our skilled doctor will apply the chemical solution to your skin, ensuring an even and controlled application. The solution will be left on for a specific amount of time, depending on the type of peel and your skin’s condition. The treated area is then neutralized, and soothing products are applied to calm the skin.
How is the Treatment Administered?
Are There Any Side Effects?

Are There Any Side Effects?

Possible side effects may include temporary redness, mild peeling, and increased sensitivity to the sun. These effects are generally mild and subside within a few days, revealing refreshed and rejuvenated skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

After the peel it is normal to experience some redness. The dead skin then starts to peel 3-7 days following the treatment. Some peels are considered ‘no downtime’, where brighter skin is revealed without any visible peeling at all.
I don’t offer any products or services as I am a text-based AI model. I can provide information and answer questions about various topics, including chemical peels, but I don’t have the capability to offer or perform any specific treatments. If you have questions about chemical peels or need information on a specific type of peel, feel free to ask, and I’ll do my best to provide you with accurate information.
To prepare for a chemical peel, consult with a qualified professional, disclose your medical history, and discontinue the use of retinoids and AHAs as advised. Prioritize sun protection and avoid treatments on sunburned or tanned skin to ensure safe and effective results.
When performed by experienced professionals and following appropriate guidelines, chemical peels are generally safe. Common side effects are temporary and manageable, but risks may increase with deeper peels. Consultation with a qualified provider and adherence to pre- and post-treatment instructions are essential for a safe chemical peel experience.
Contraindications for chemical peels include pregnancy or nursing, active skin infections, and recent facial procedures. Certain medications, such as isotretinoin, may also impact suitability. Consult with a healthcare provider to assess individual contraindications before undergoing a chemical peel.